Meet Ashley

Ashley Rose fell in love with the restaurant industry after realizing how the connection between nourishing food, community, and social justice can spark change from the communal table. 

Ashley has worked for more than 15 years in every corner of the food and hospitality industry. From cheese-making to launching a nationally acclaimed restaurant (Milktooth) to co-founding a farmers market to producing an award-winning festival (Baby Got Brunch), Ashley knows the industry inside and out. She’s seen the underbelly, but she has also experienced the crème de la crème.

Currently, she is focused on holistic wellness of the Indianapolis food scene. She has helped small business owners through pandemic recovery with a one-on-one consulting pro-bono program. She is active in local groups and events, particularly those promoting food justice and equity in the restaurant community. She also works as a recipe-tester and freelance chef for a global publishing company. 

Although her path has evolved, her mission has remained the same: to cultivate a more positive and equitable food culture in Indianapolis and beyond by lifting up marginalized voices and supporting women and underserved communities.

Ashley lives in Downtown Indianapolis with her little 12 yr old sous chef